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Disability Club

The disability club operates for those who may have some form of disability and are therefore reduced in their choice of bow style, strength of bow or other lack of mobility.


As part of our ground development we included the laying of turf mesh from the clubhouse to the shooting line and also up the field to almost all distances.  This allows for better wheelchair access during the winter wetter months.  We are no different from any other club, we still get mud and wet ground, but the inclusion of the turf mesh means that wheelchairs can be used on the field better than without.


Disability club members also receive lower affiliation fees from Archery GB, the County and the Region.


Our members currently shoot a variety of bow styles, although the most popular by far is the Xbow.


Some have moved from other bow styles due to injury or illness and others have arrived directly at the Xbow without having shot anything else because it suits them.


We have three qualified Xbow instructors who can assist with the transition from another bow style or we can arrange for a Xbow beginners course if you are coming into the sport for the first time.


The club affiliates to the National Crossbow Federation and at present we hold two of their competitions each year.


As a disability club member you are not restricted to just one bow type and are free to try all bow styles to see which one best suits you.


In all aspects the disability club operates in the same way as the other clubs with club sessions outdoors in the summer on a Tuesday and Thursday evening as well as another session on a Saturday morning.


Shooting for seniors (over 18’s) is also available at other times once a probationary period has been completed. For more information about beginner’s courses etc please see the ‘Beginners’ page

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